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Used by high-end furniture manufactures to provide a fully supportive and long lasting seating system. Arc-shaped for a curved profile.
Used by high-end furniture manufactures to provide a fully supportive and long-lasting seating system.
The fastest & most reliable way to fasten zig-zag springs
An efficient and strong alternative to twine.
Heavy-duty 'Z' Clip for affixing ZIG ZAG springs in the traditional manner.
Span: 343mm
Span: 381mm
Span: 419mm
Zig Zag Arc Spring - 10g - 10u
Also know as No-Sag Springs
Span: 495mm
Span: 533mm
Zig Zag Arc Spring - 10g - 11u
Zig Zag Arc Spring - 10g - 13u
Zig Zag Arc Spring - 12g - 15u
Span: 572mm
Span: 610mm
Zig Zag Arc Spring - 9g - 11u
Span: 648mm
Span: 438mm
Span: 457mm