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K-Arc Spring
K-Arc Spring
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Retail Price: $5.39 (4.69 exc GST)
(Minimum order):  5

Quantity in Stock:176

Availability: Usually Ships in 2 to 3 Business Days
Product Code: SPAK

Description Technical Specs
A special wire fitting used on the front edge of zig-zag arc springs to produce a 'soft edge'.
This is an alternative to a Coil Spring Seat Unit.
The Loop end fits over zig zag arcs and is held in place by 3-prong clips.

*Quantity Discounts:
Buy 50 + Springs get a 5% Discount
Buy 1000 + Springs get a 15% Discount
*Discount applied at the Checkout

ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 12 1/2u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 11u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g | 15u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 15u | Priced Per Each
Retail Price: $4.78 (4.16 exc GST)

Retail Price: $5.08 (4.42 exc GST)

Retail Price: $4.72 (4.10 exc GST)

Retail Price: $6.00 (5.22 exc GST)

ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 12 1/2u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 11u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g |15u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 15u
ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 16u (BENT) | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 10u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g | 11u | Priced Per Each 3 PRONG SPRING CLIPS | BOX OF 250
Retail Price: $6.16 (5.36 exc GST)

Retail Price: $4.52 (3.93 exc GST)

Retail Price: $4.15 (3.61 exc GST)

Retail Price: $88.98 (77.37 exc GST)

ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 16u (BENT) ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g |10u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g | 11u 3 Prong Spring Clips
ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 19u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g | 10u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g | 9u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 10g | 13u | Priced Per Each
Retail Price: $7.58 (6.59 exc GST)

Retail Price: $3.83 (3.33 exc GST)

Retail Price: $3.68 (3.20 exc GST)

Retail Price: $4.70 (4.09 exc GST)

ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 19u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g | 10u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC |12g | 9u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 10g | 13u
ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g | 17u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 10g | 15u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 14u | Priced Per Eac ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 10g | 10u | Priced Per Each
Retail Price: $5.12 (4.45 exc GST)

Retail Price: $4.74 (4.12 exc GST)

Retail Price: $5.62 (4.89 exc GST)

Retail Price: $4.37 (3.80 exc GST)

ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g |17u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 10g | 15u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 14u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 10g | 10u
ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g | 14u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 12u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g | 16u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g | 13u | Priced Per Each
Retail Price: $4.58 (3.98 exc GST)

Retail Price: $5.22 (4.54 exc GST)

Retail Price: $4.84 (4.21 exc GST)

Retail Price: $4.53 (3.94 exc GST)

ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g | 14u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 12u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g | 16u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 12g | 13u
ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 17u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 18u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 16u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 10g | 14u | Priced Per Each
Retail Price: $6.44 (5.60 exc GST)

Retail Price: $6.74 (5.86 exc GST)

Retail Price: $6.16 (5.36 exc GST)

Retail Price: $4.72 (4.10 exc GST)

ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC  | 9g | 17u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 18u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 16u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 10g |14u
ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 13u | Priced Per Each ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 10g | 11u | Priced Per Each
Retail Price: $5.32 (4.63 exc GST)

Retail Price: $4.58 (3.98 exc GST)

ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 9g | 13u ZIG ZAG SPRING | ARC | 10g | 11u